family photo 2017 November

family photo 2017 November

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Adore Jesus!

Boy, time keeps going faster and faster. How do I even catch up on nearly 3 months of our lives!?

Why haven't I posted? Because WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! And I've been, the normal for me, sick sick sick and nonfunctional! I'm feeling better now though. Not great but way better!

I am about 18 weeks along now, and we'll find out what we're having in a couple of weeks. Yay for this blessing! Praise God!

Here are my boys playing up a storm!

Best buds!

The boys had a wilderness day with their dad, which they just loved!

Diaper change!

Ethan just thrives outside! He's so happy in this picture!

The Lord was so kind to me and gave me a "healthy" day and my whole family was able to enjoy our annual trip to the orchard/pumpkin farm! It was a fun filled day!

Ethan rocked his 2nd visit to the dentist! Steve took him and said Ethan was singing worship songs the whole time! Good job Ethan!

In October we celebrated Steve's 29th birthday at Famous Dave's restaurant. The boys were naturals with the BBQ.

My first nephew was born November 7th! Baby Lane!

Sam moved up in the world and now is forward facing in the van! And loves it!

Sam and I spent some time together, just the two of us, and went for a wintery bundled up walk!

Ethan and my date to Panera! He enjoyed the cookie! 

The boys, myself, and a friend made Oreo turkeys together on thanksgiving day. This was a trial run the day before, it's not quite complete here though.

More thanksgiving week activities included making turkey hats with 'thankful for...' feathers.

Sam does about everything Ethan does! Ethan was reading a book on his bed and then Sam went and found a book from the living room and sat right next to Ethan! Precious friends!

Just some more recent cuteness!!!


And oh so sweet!

Fun times on a walk through the neighborhood with a toy gun...that looks sorta real....    :/

This was a great way for our kids to bake our neighbors Christmas treats...Ethan was super helpful!

This Christmas season has been wonderful as Steve and I have been reading an Advent devotional by John Piper called Good News of Great Joy. It really is fulfilling in my life its intent to cause its readers to adore Jesus this Christmas season. To Build excitement and anticipation in our home and in our children for Christ during Christmas. 

What a wonderful reality to embrace:
That God became man, was born for a purpose, was born for Good Friday, was born to reconcile us to God, to die for our sin problem, and to rise again so we can have a life filled with the joy, excitement, and anticipation year round that we will spend an eternity WITH God.

Wow, how beautiful is Christmas time, and we can truly adore Jesus like the Father does; lifting Him high both now and forever.

Very Merry Christ-filled Christmas to you!
Adore Him!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Quick but precious!

A whole lot happens in a months time but here are a few quick photos of fun. More of San Diego to come (Steve's and my five year anniversary trip).

Ethan playing while I prepare dinner.

Grandpa getting Ethan ready for duck hunting!

 Hard at play...jumping out if planes! Thank you Grandpa Bjurstrom!

And I woke up to this one morning: the boys clearing 'earthquake rubble.'

Sam's healing bee sting on his lip!

Everything is a teaching moment!

Bjurstrom love from San Diego!!!

Scheels...always fun.

LOVE this man!

LOVE these boys!

Beautiful snuggle time!

Out with Dad and other family. Never to early for gun safety.

Quite the face huh!?!?!

"...It is good for people to eat, drink, and ENJOY their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to ACCEPT their lot in life." 
Ecclesiastes 5:18

Monday, September 1, 2014

A little more Summertime!

As the summer draws to a close we are thankful for so many fun memories with so many people. 
Here's a recap of a few along the way.

Dad grew a mustache in July along with dozens of other men in our church to raise money for adoption. The church raised about $76,000! Wow, God must care a lot about "setting the lonely in families. " (psalm 68:6)
We would love and welcome if the Lord set some lonely children into our family one day! *)

This was Ethan's participation! A couple of different mustaches, and coffee. One day Ethan said, "Dad, how do I make a mustache?" Steve said, "You have to grow one." 
Ethan: "I'm trying but it's not working."
Oh my son, soon enough!

Fun at Great Grandma and Grandpa Chamberlin's house.
Ethan and Sam had some time away with my mom and dad.

Enjoying some pool time with 4 of the 5 second cousins!

Summer is always a fun time for walks as a family around Gray's Lake.
This day we took a detour down to the water after a picnic dinner on the grass!

The boys leading the way!

This is Ethan sincerely trying to not get wet!
Can you guess how this ended?

Oh yes, here it is, what fun!

Always time for some indoor silly too! Wearing Dad's work sock.

And of course we've had lots and lots of ice cream!
Ice cream and then to a park!

Sadly, we have not managed the summer without several bug bites.
Ethan reacts terribly to them. Here is one where his eye started swelling pretty good.
Ethan rightly asked, "why did God make mosquitoes?"

Oh my! I've never seen such HANDSOME shirtless men! And all 3 are mine!!!
A chili dinner without shirts is actually a great idea! Thanks Dad!

Ethan snuggling close to his Aunt Kori and "on the way" baby boy cousin Chamberlin! Coming early November! Yay!

Sam and I enjoying an afternoon on the patio while everyone else is napping!

Summer is a ton of fun but I am soooo excited for the next 2 seasons: fall and winter!!! Every season brings fun new specialties that only come around during that season! 
However, summer is not over yet so we're going to keep on keepin on!

"But godliness with contentment is great gain."
1 Timothy 6:6

-content with seasons of life, the good days, the hard days, strengths, weaknesses and trials. What we have and what we don't have. Well content with whatever each day may bring.